11 th physics chapter 1 solutions

Question :- Defining Physics, explain the relation of Physics with the following branches – Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy.

   Answer :-

                     Physics :- Physics is called Physics in English. Which is derived from the Greek word fusis. which means "nature". Its equivalent Sanskrit word is physics, under which we study nature and natural phenomena. In physics, we try to understand natural phenomena through certain hypotheses, theories and laws.

   The relation of physics with the branches of science :-

   1. Mathematics and Physics :-

   Mathematics is used a lot in physics. Without mathematics it is not possible to understand the basic laws and principles of physics, mathematics is the language of physics. Today's new inventions like artificial satellites, computers, lasers etc. are the combined contribution of mathematics and physics.

   2. Chemistry and Physics :-

   Physics also has an important place in chemistry. New inventions in physics such as magnetic resonance, X-rays and diffraction of neutrons have greatly helped in understanding many complex chemical structures in chemistry.

   3. Biology and Physics:-

   Biology is also influenced by physics. The invention of the microscope and electron microscope in physics has greatly helped in understanding the structure of cells in biology. With the invention of X-rays, where a broken bone can be detected at any place in the body of another human, on the other hand they are also used in the treatment of terrible diseases like cancer.

   4. Astronomy and Physics:-

   Physics also played an important role in the development of astronomy. Various planets and satellites have been observed in physics due to the invention of the telescope and radio telescope.

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